Hands on Industrial IoT: Mastering the Mini-Factory – Summer School 2024

SUPSI is excited to announce the “Hands on Industrial IoT: Mastering the Mini-Factory” summer school (3 ECTS) from July 8-12, 2024!

Open to students in Business Engineering, Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, and Mechatronics & Automation, this immersive experience will take place at SUPSI Campus Est in Lugano Viganello.

The summer school proposes a one-week intensive lab experience, in a state-of-the-art i4.0 automated production environment. Students will be offered a unique hands-on insight on the most modern manufacturing automation technologies, plant supervision and simulation techniques. The learning experience range from machine-level understanding of brushless motor control, to PLC programming with insights on classical IEC 61131-3 and with the latest event based IEC 61499 dedicated to IoT based automated systems, smart sensor integration and data monitoring techniques. The experience is further enriched by a full-day visit to a well-known smart automation academic/industrial competence center at European level: MADE lab at Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy. The program assessment is based on the evaluation of an individual report on the performed lab activities combined with a final pitch on an assigned project presented by teams of students in the last day of the summer school.