The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pécs-Baranya (CCIPB) was established in 1881. Its core activity is business development and is playing a key role in creating a prosperous business environment for the 22 000 registered enterprises and over 800 voluntary members, thus enabling them to strengthen their competitiveness on domestic and international markets.

The mission of the Chamber is to foster the social and economic policy development by providing services for Southwest Hungarian SMEs. The main development objective is to foster cooperation between companies and relevant stakeholders, furthermore, to establish and manage clusters. CCIPB is one of the founders of the Cultural Creative Industry Cluster, the Construction Technology Cluster, and provides the management body of the Southwest Hungarian Engineering Cluster as well.

The organization serves the county’s 22 000 businesses with access to up-to-date economic, market information and corporate consulting. Over 700 companies actively participate in the corporate tasks as social engagement and works to build solidarity-based business community.

Full name of the institutionChamber Of Commerce and Industry of Pécs-Baranya 
AddressPécs, H-7625 Pécs, Majorossy I. u. 36
Year of establishment1881
Official website 
Contact personSarolta Biró
Phone number3620 624 4431
3672 507 106
E-mail address

“This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Programme under grant agreement No 101091490”.