ERION is the leading Italian Producer Responsibility Organization for the management of waste associated with electronic products and the exploitation of the secondary raw materials within it. Erion ensures waste management and regulatory compliance to more than 2,400 Producers of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) and Batteries and Accumulators throughout Italy. In 2022, the activity of Erion WEEE Compliance Scheme made it possible to manage 246.000 tonnes of WEEE, avoiding 1,7 million tons of CO2 equivalent.

Full name of the institutionERION COMPLIANCE ORGANIZATION S.C.A R.L
AddressVia Messina, 38 – 20154 Milano
Year of establishment2020
Official website
Contact personLuca Campadello
Phone number+39 0250020350
E-mail address

“This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Programme under grant agreement No 101091490”.