Innovalia Association is a private and independent technological centre that was created by Innovalia Group in order to articulate a critical mass capable of successfully achieving its long-term research ambitions and strategic objectives.

Innovalia is an alliance for technology-based SMEs with headquarters in Spain. Today,

it has become a leader in the R&D area by and for SMEs in Spain.

It also offers solutions for facilitating international innovation processes aimed at SMEs.

As a technological agent of the Basque Country Technology Network (Innobasque), Innovalia brings together the skills, laboratories and resources of the companies that founded the association.

Full name of the institutionAsociación Innovalia
AddressCalle Rodríguez Arias, 6 Dto. 605, 48008 – Bilbao
Year of establishment2002
Official website
Contact personEneko Rada
Phone number
E-mail address

“This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Programme under grant agreement No 101091490”.